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Reading Glasses on Book
Bible Study Groups

Bible Study Groups, or Small Groups, help us build a community around us while studying the Word of God through a wonderful and modern resource, RightNow Media. Take a look at our current groups and see if any interest you! If you are interested in starting a group yourself, reach out to us.

Wooden Dinning Table

Join us as we gather together and chat, build community, and learn about Jesus.


Empty Chairs

A group for men of all ages. Single, married... it doesn't matter! There are men of all different seasons of life in this group.

Men's Group

Dinning Table and Chairs

A group for women of all ages. Single, married... it doesn't matter! There are women in all different seasons of life in this group.

Women's Group


Join us online for Bible Studies for men & women on YouVersion Bible App.


What is RightNow Media?

RightNow Media is like the Netflix of Bible Studies! There are videos for adults, kids, youth, couples, and more! Best part? You can access it all for free. Create an account today.

RightNow Media
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